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anti aging treatment in Mohali

Anti Aging Treatment in Mohali

Our skin is made up of cells. As we grow old our skin loses the tendency to repair the dead cell. The dead cells show the sign of aging on our skin. Thanks to the latest anti-aging treatments which help to restore youthful skin. There are multiple cosmetic treatment options available for the aging skin treatment. Select the best suitable method which fulfills your requirements. For an anti aging solution visit Renew You clinic. We offer the best anti aging treatment in Mohali. In this blog we share the details of our treatment for aging skin.

in this image the signs of aging are highlighted on the girl face by

Anti aging treatments offered by Renew You Clinic

Renew You clinic is the best skin care clinic, which offers the best anti aging treatment in Mohali. We also have branches in Chandigarh, Solan, Panchkula and Shimla. We use advanced technology to provide the best results. Our skin specialist examines your skin type and some other blood tests then suggests the best method which matches your needs and skin type. Multiple options are present for anti aging treatment. Some of these are:  


A facelift is a common type of surgery that is used to reduce the sign of aging. 

The process involves the repositioning or removing skin, fat or muscle. 

Signs of aging corrected with facelift are:

  • Sagging skin on your face
  • Create a line between your nose and corner of your mouth. 
  • Facial fat
  • Drooping skin On your jaw or neck. 
  • Double chin

Facelift is considered cosmetic surgery. It does not change your appearance or stop the aging process.  It is a very personalized treatment to meet the unique requirements of each person.  

Different kind of facelift 

Deep facelift

In deep facelift the muscular layer of your face lifts to reduce the fat. It generally addresses multiple areas of your face at the same time. 

Mid facelift 

It is used to treat or reposition the area around your cheeks. It basically reduces the cheeks fat and tightens the skin. 

Mini facelift 

It covered the lower face and neck area. It is recommended for younger people who have early signs of facial sagging. 

In this image the method of face lift are shown on the lady face by

Recovery time for facelift

The recovery time depends on what kind of surgery you had and what is your overall health status. Some People may face some kind of side effects but it could take two to three months before your face feels back to normal. 

The best age for a facelift 

There is no best age to get a facelift because everyone ages differently from various factors such as genetics, lifestyle and environment. The facelift usually lasts seven to ten years. Those who get a facelift in their initial, need to go for a second also for updating. 

Vampire facelift

Vampire facelift also called PRP facelift. PRP stands for platelet rich plasma. It is a non surgical process in which injection of PRP is used to treat aging skin signs like wrinkles and plump skin. 

This facelift helps:

  • Brightening your skin
  • Contour your face
  • Improve texture of your skin
  • Reduce wrinkles 
  • Reduce acne scars 

Recovery time for Vampire Facelift 

Recovery time is very short after vampire facelift. For better results you should follow some after care instructions which includes: sun exposure, heavy lifting, using heavy cream or moisturizers, washing your face or wearing makeup immediately after the procedure. 

How long does a vampire facelift last?

The result can last from 12 to 18 months. For a longer result it is suggested to take three sets of injections, one per month for three months. 

PDO threads

PDO threads, also known as Polydioxanone threads. It is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment used to lift and tighten the skin on the face and neck. The threads are made of a biocompatible material that is commonly used in medical sutures, and work by creating a support structure under the skin to lift sagging tissues . It also reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

Benefits of PDO threads

  • It is low risk procedure
  • It naturally improve the skin elasticity
  • Recovery after treatment is very quick
  • And if you are not satisfied you can remove it with the help of a skin specialist. 

The result last long after thread lift

Results are temporary after thread lift, lasting from one to three years. As they are dissolvable in the body. So your skin is back to normal again. If you like this therapy you can have another session. 

Recovery time for PDO threads

You may experience some swelling after the treatment but it will recover within five days. So recovery is very quick after this process. 

Is PDO thread lift painful? 

You have local anesthesia during a thread lift operation, so you won’t feel anything. You could have some soreness, stiffness, and pain following the surgery. For many days until the soreness disappears, take an over-the-counter or prescription pain medication.

in this image the girl is taking pod thread treatment at renew you clinic by

Why Choose Renew You Skin Care Clinic?

Personalized treatment 

We offer highly customized treatment that is tailored according to the needs of customers. 

Result oriented 

Our treatments are result oriented and ensure customer satisfaction. 

Holistic Approach 

We focus on every aspect and we offer the safest treatment.

Pre and post care 

We also guide you throughout the process for the best possible outcome. 

Painless procedures

Our Non-invasive and non-surgical process gives you a painless solution for your aging concerns. 

Long term solution

Our treatment gives long lasting results. So that you can enjoy the younger skin for a long time. 

Hassle-free process 

Our process has minimal downtime. So that treatment will become Quick and convenient to you. 

In bottom line

Anti aging treatment in Mohali, offered by the best skin care clinic, Renew you. We use advanced technology to give the best treatment. At our clinic, we provide facelift therapy, vampire facelift and PDO thread treatment to reduce the sign of aging. We have surgical and non surgical both options for you. Our skin specialists are professional in their field of work. So consult today and find the best suitable anti aging treatment method for you. 

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